Big Devil #2 new genetic,what give You a product from seed to Harvest in just 55day's. It's realy fast.
Big Devil # 2 THC: 19-20%
From one seed You get 150-300grams,3 seeds coust 20Eur but it's not all, You get 2 more seeds for FREE
Total: 1 seed are 5EUR
From one seed You get 150-300grams we think You can grow 225grams per seed in 55 day's
It's are:
225 * 7EUR= 1575 EUR per plant
But You have 5seeds,it's mean:
1575 EUR * 5 = 7875 EUR (in 55 day's from just 5seeds)
In day You earn: 143 EUR ( 7875 / 55 = 143 EUR)
You have 0 experiance how grow it?
There in unswer:
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